Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 485

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 485

Seven journalists jailed; Ahmet Ayva released from prison; six journalists given jail term, one acquitted in “FETÖ media case”

Seven journalists imprisoned pending trial

Journalists Necla Demir, Rahime Karvar, Ahmet Güneş, Velat Ekin, Reyhan Hacıoğlu and Vedat Örüç were arrested in house raids on 17 January as part of an investigation launched by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.

On 20 January; Necla Demir, Rahime Karvar, Ahmet Güneş and Velat Ekin, who were arrested in İstanbul, were brought to the İstanbul Courthouse, while Reyhan Hacıoğlu, who was arrested in Van, and Vedat Örüç, who was arrested in Mersin, gave their statements via the judicial videoconferencing system from their respective cities.

The prosecutor referred all six journalists to the court for pre-trial detention on charges of “mebership in a terrorist organization” over their news reports.

The court placed all six journalists in pre-trial detention.

Journalist Eylem Babayiğit was taken into custody from her home on 22 January as part of the same investigation. Babayiğit was imprisoned pending trial o n24 January.

Ahmet Ayva released from prison

Journalist Ahmet Ayva was released from Marmara Prison on 23 January.

The investigation filed against Ayva in 2018 on charges of “insulting the president” was later changed to “terrorism propaganda,” and he was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison. After the sentence was upheld by the Court of Cassation, Ayva was jailed on 25 January 2024.

Ömer Sönmez to stand trial on charge of “insulting the president”

A lawsuit was filed against journalist Ömer Sönmez, who works for the Erbil-based Rûdaw news website, on charges of “insulting the president” over a post he shared on the social media platform X.

In the indictment filed by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, it was claimed that Sönmez's comment about @RudawTurkce's news report on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's statement “We will not allow the establishment of a terrorist state beyond our southern borders” constituted the crime of “insulting the president.”

The first hearing will be held at the İstanbul 37th Criminal Court of First Instance.

ETHA reporter Züleyha Güldür arrested

On 20 January, police raided the homes of members and executives of the Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), Socialist Women's Assemblies (SKM), Socialist Youth Associations Federation (SGDF) and Science Education Culture Art Research Foundation (BEKSAV) as part of an investigation carried out by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office into the year 2024.

During the raids, 20 people, including ETHA reporter Züleyha Müldür, were detained.

In a statement, the Law Office of the Oppressed (EHB) noted that there is a confidentiality order on the investigation file and a 24-hour restriction on lawyer visits.

Director Kazım Öz gives statement on charge of “terrorism propaganda”

Director Kazım Öz was summoned to give his statement on the charge of “terrorism propaganda” over his movie ZER on 22 January.

Öz gave his statement at Kemerburgaz Gendarmerie Command in İstanbul and was brought to Çağlayan Courthouse in handcuffs.

After his statement was received at the prosecutor's office, Öz was referred to the judge on duty and released.

Ali Ergin Demirhan summoned to give statement on suspicion of “inciting the public to hatred and hostility”

Journalist Ali Ergin Demirhan announced that he was summoned to give his statement on the charge of “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” over a social media post.

On 22 January, Demirhan posted on his X account, “They summoned me to receive my statement over a tweet allegedly inciting the public to hatred and hostility. A case of terrorism propaganda was filed for a decade-old news article, and a case of insulting religion was filed for another news article from 10 years ago that was made accessible by the Constitutional Court.”

Ali Erbaş, President of Religious Affairs, asks for a lawsuit against BirGün reporter

BirGün reporter Mustafa Bildircin was charged with “inciting the public to hatred and hostility” and “spreading false information” over his news reports on Ali Erbaş, the President of Religious Affairs.

Upon Erbaş's request to file a lawsuit, Bildircin gave his statement at the Çankaya Police Station in Ankara on 22 January.

Non-prosecution decision in the “spreading false information” investigation against Medine Mamedoğlu

The investigation launched against journalist Medine Mamedoğlu on the charge of “spreading false information” after she posted on social media about the massive fires in Diyarbakır and Mardin in June ended in non-prosecution.

The fires had caused extensive damage between Diyarbakır's Çınar district and Mardin's Mazıdağı district, killing 15 people and injuring 78 others. Photos of animals that could not be saved due to inadequate intervention in burning forests and farms were the subject of the news reports.

The Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office had launched an investigation against Mamedoğlu, a journalist who shared news reports about the fire on social media, under Article 217/A of the Turkish Penal Code, which regulates the charge of “spreading false information.”

Mamedoğlu denied the accusations in her statement at the police station where she was summoned, arguing that she was only a journalist and that her social media posts were intended to provide news.

As a result of the investigation, the prosecutor's office emphasized that Mamedoğlu's posts were within the boundaries of news reporting and issued a decision of non-prosecution.

Six journalists given jail term, one acquitted in “FETÖ media case”

The 14th hearing in the retrial of journalists Ahmet Memiş, Ali Akkuş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Ünal Tanık, Yakup Çetin and Yetkin Yıldız was held at the İstanbul 25th High Criminal Court on 23 January 2025.

Ahmet Memiş, Ali Akkuş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Ünal Tanık, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Yakup Çetin and Yetkin Yıldız and their lawyers were present at the hearing, which was monitored by P24.

On 20 April 2024, the prosecutor reiterated their final opinion on the case and requested sentencing for Yakup Çetin, Yetkin Yıldız and Ünal Tanık on charge of “membership in a terrorist organization” on the grounds that their actions “show continuity, diversity and intensity;” and for Ahmet Memiş, Ali Akkuş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu and Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu on the charge of “knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization” rather than “membership in a terrorist organization,” as it is understood that “there is no definite and concrete evidence beyond any doubt that they are ‘members of a terrorist organization’ and that they are part of the organization's hierarchy.”

The journalists and their lawyers stated that there was no concrete evidence supporting the charges and demanded acquittal.

The court sentenced Yakup Çetin to 6 years and 3 months for “membership in a terrorist organization” and Ahmet Memiş, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Ünal Tanık and Yetkin Yıldız to 1 year and 13 months each for “knowingly and willingly aiding a terrorist organization.” The court also acquitted Ali Akkuş due to lack of criminal intent.

Click here to read the details of the article.

Journalist Pınar Gayıp's file separatedThe 19th hearing in the trial of Etkin News Agency (ETHA) editor Pınar Gayıp, along with 11 others, on the charge of “membership in a terrorist organization” was held at the İstanbul 26th High Criminal Court on 23 January 2025.

Alev Özkiraz, one of the defendants, and her lawyer were present at the hearing monitored by P24.

Defendant Alev Özkiraz demanded that the ban on leaving the country be lifted. Özkiraz's lawyer also asked for their client's case to be separated and the ban on leaving the country to be lifted.

The court ruled to keep in place the judicial control measures against the defendants and decided that Pınar Gayıp's case be separated and merged with the case at the İstanbul 23rd High Criminal Court.

The case Gayıp was on trial at the Eskişehir 2nd High Criminal Court on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization” was merged with the case at the İstanbul 26th High Criminal Court on the grounds that the charges were the same.

“KCK Press Case” adjourned until JulyThe 33rd hearing in the “KCK Press Case,” in which 46 journalists are charged with “membership in a terrorist organization,” “managing a terrorist organization” (314/1) and “terrorism propaganda” was held at the İstanbul 3rd High Criminal Court on 23 January 2025.

Yıldız İmrek, the lawyer of Hüseyin Deniz, was present at the hearing, which was monitored by P24.

In the previous hearing, the lawyer of Yüksel Genç, one of the defendants, stated that a new case was filed against his client at the İstanbul 25th High Criminal Court and that the case was similar to the current case in terms of subject matter and date of offense, and requested merger of the cases.

The presiding judge stated that the file of Yüksel Genç, one of the defendants, at the İstanbul 25th High Criminal Court was merged with the current case.

Lawyer İmrek asked for the missing elements in the file to be completed.

The court adjourned the trial until 17 July 2025 for the defense statement of Genç to be heard.

Thirty-two of the 46 journalists were arrested in an operation launched against Kurdish journalists on 20 December 2011, and were imprisoned pending trial on 24 December. The indictment cites journalistic activities such as interviews, photographs, press releases, notes, conversations with news sources and names of news sources found on their phones as evidence against the journalists.

Dinçer Gökçe, Nilay Can and Veysi Dündar's trial for “spreading false information” begins

The first hearing in the trial of Managing Editor Dinçer Gökçe, Managing Editor Nilay Can, journalist Veysi Dündar, lawyer İrem Çiçek and one other person for “spreading false information” over their social media posts was held on at the Bakırköy 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance on 22 January.

The journalists, who were arrested on 3 November, were released under judicial control measures, while lawyer İrem Çiçek was placed under house arrest.

The journalists were present with their lawyers and lawyers from the İstanbul Bar Association monitored the hearing as observers.

Taking the floor after the defenses, the prosecutor demanded the missing elements in the file be completed and asked for the judicial control measures against the defendants to be lifted since the defenses have already been taken.

The court decided to send the video recording of İrem Çiçek, which is included in the case file, to an expert for its decoding and lifted the judicial control measures against the defendants. The court separated the case file of one defendant and adjourned the trial until 4 March 2025.

The trial of journalists Kürşat Yılmaz and Görkem Kınacı adjourned until March

The seventh hearing in the trial of Evrensel newspaper's Publisher Kürşat Yılmaz and former Managing Editor Görkem Kınacı on charges of “defamation” and “insult” upon the complaint of Serhat Albayrak, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Turkuvaz Media Group, was held at the İstanbul 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance on 21 January 2025.

The hearing was monitored by P24 and the lawyers of the parties were present. Yılmaz and Kınacı did not attend the hearing.

The judge said that he could not make a decision this hearing as he could not examine the file.

The lawyer of Serhat Albayrak reminded the court that the court had previously sentenced Kınacı and Yılmaz over similar news articles and asked for Kınacı and Yılmaz to be sentenced in consideration of the aforementioned decisions.

Kınacı and Yılmaz's lawyer Devrim Avcı said, “The decisions of the courts of first instance are not precedents and have not been finalized. Therefore, they are not precedents. There is no criminal element in the case against my client” and demanded acquittal.

The court adjourned the trial until 4 March, deciding to include similar rulings and finalization documents, if any, in the file.

The trial of İsminaz Temel and Havva Cuştan on “terrorism” charges adjourned until MayThe 29th hearing in the trial of 23 people, including Etkin News Agency (ETHA) editor İsminaz Temel, former reporter Havva Cuştan and lawyers from the Law Office of the Oppressed (EHB), on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization” (TCK 314) and “terrorism propaganda” was held at the İstanbul 27th High Criminal Court on 21 January 2025.

The hearing was monitored by P24 and defendants’ lawyers were present. The defendants did not attend the hearing.

The defendants’ lawyers stated that the file was very comprehensive and requested a reasonable time from the court to make their defense. Reminding that the case has been going on for seven years, the lawyers also asked for the judicial control measures against their clients to be lifted.

Saying that it would evaluate the request as to the judicial control measures between the hearings, the court accepted the time request and adjourned the trial until 9 May.

Yüsra Batıhan given jail term on charge of “spreading false information”

The third hearing in the trial of journalist Yüsra Batıhan on the charge of “spreading false information” over her news reports and social media posts about the aid processes after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes on 6 February 2023 was held on 21 January 2025 at the Ankara 75th Criminal Court of First Instance.

Batıhan did not attend the hearing, while her lawyer Onur Ardık was present in the courtroom.

Ardık pointed out that the elements of the crime attributed to his client did not form and said, “First of all, in order for the crime to occur, there must be an untrue news report. The posts in the indictment are real. It is true that AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) could not deliver aid for a long time during the earthquake. In this respect, the elements of the impugned crime did not form. We demand the acquittal of our client.”

After Ardık's statements, the prosecutor announced their final opinion on the case and asked for a sentence for the impugned crime.

The court first sentenced Batıhan to 1 year in prison, then reduced the sentence to 10 months in prison.

The sentence was deferred.

Batuhan was on trial over the news reports published by Mezopotamya Agency with the headlines “Cenazeler gömülüyor, devletin haberi yok” (Bodies are being buried, the state does not know about it) and “HDP’nin depremzedeler için gönderdiği 30 konteynere el konuldu” (30 containers sent by HDP for earthquake victims were seized) about the earthquakes.

Trial of singer Ferhat Tunç adjourned until October

The 17th hearing in the trial of singer Ferhat Tunç on the charge of “insulting the president” was held at the Büyükçekmece 14th Criminal Court of First Instance on 21 January 2025.

No one attended the hearing.

The trial was adjourned until 14 October 2025.

Journalist and writer Ercan Aktaş’s trial adjourned

The 21st hearing in the trial of journalist and writer Ercan Aktaş on the charge of “denigrating the Turkish nation” over his social media posts was held at the Küçükçekmece 23rd Criminal Court of First Instance on 21 January 2025.

No one attended the hearing.

The court ruled to await the execution of the arrest warrant against Aktaş and adjourned the trial until 19 June 2025.

Journalist Furkan Karabay's trial on charges of “insulting the president” adjournedThe third hearing in the trial of journalist Furkan Karabay on the charge of “insulting the president” over his social media posts was held at the İstanbul 74th Criminal Court of First Instance on 20 January 2025.

The hearing was monitored by P24 and the lawyers of the parties were present.

In the previous hearing, the court had decided to check whether Karabay had another file on the charge of “insulting the president” and if there was a possible merger, the court had decided to take action between the hearings. Karabay's lawyer Özge Naz Akkaya said, “We think there are two separate cases regarding the impugned crimes, and the court has the discretion to merge them.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's lawyer, on the other hand, stated that their complaint continued and demanded that Karabay be punished.

The court decided that the file on Karabay's trial at the İstanbul 56th Criminal Court of First Instance on the charge of “insulting the president” should be requested for examination, and if the conditions are met, the necessary writings should be written between the sessions for merger.

The trial was adjourned until 19 June 2025.

At least 37 journalist and media workers in prison

Following the release of one journalist and imprisonment of seven others, as of 24 January 2025, there are at least 37 journalists and media workers in prison in Turkey, either in pre-trial detention or serving a sentence.

The full list can be accessed here.
