Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

ANALYSIS – Judicial Reform Package: An old box in fancy wrapping

Although Article 7/2 of Turkey’s Anti-Terror Law is one of the most critical problems for press freedom and freedom o...

Parliament passes early release bill, political prisoners excluded

Although government claims that bill is aimed at protecting detainees from Covid-19 outbreak, journalists and other pol...

ANALYSIS: Early release bill ruins fragile trust in justice system

Government’s latest judicial reform package confirms that “thought is the most serious crime” as journalists, pol...

ANALYSIS - Article 220/7: The unlawfulness of Turkey’s anti-terror legislation

The ambiguity and exceptionality of the TMK and these features' clear reflections on criminal law facilitates interfere...

Journalist Alican Uludağ given 10-month suspended sentence

Uludağ was on trial for criticizing former Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's visit to President Erdoğan in a social me...

Prosecutor seeks sentence for Seyhan Avşar and Necdet Önemli

Avşar and Önemli are on trial for disclosing the name of the prosecutor who issued the Sözcü newspaper indictment i...

Journalists Seyhan Avşar and Necdet Önemli acquitted

Cumhuriyet reporter Avşar and Sözcü responsible editor Önemli were charged with “marking a public official involv...

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 289

Ali Ergin Demirhan indicted twice over the same Twitter post; Melis Alphan stands trial over Newroz photo; Oktay Candem...

ANALYSIS | Council of Europe: End the abuse of criminal laws, amend Articles 220, 299 and 301

ECtHR judgments against Turkey that found violations of freedom of expression, many of which have not been implemented ...

Prosecutor demands sentence for journalist Buse Söğütlü

Söğütlü is on trial for a Twitter post about Judge Akın Gürlek. Court is expected to issue its judgment at the ne...
