Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 282

Four sentenced in Özgür Gündem trial; Prof. Fincancı fined for “insulting Erdoğan”; 5 journalists charged with...

Three journalists sentenced for "terrorism propaganda"

Yücel, Acar and Ünal, who were arrested in March 2018 during police raids on Mücadele Birliği newspaper and Önsöz...

Journalists Yıldız and Dükel sentenced for "disclosing restricted information"

The indictment initially accused all three of “Disclosing information that must be kept confidential for reasons rela...

Journalist Hakan Aygün handed down 7-month sentence

Aygün sentenced to 7 months and 15 days in prison for “insulting religious values” in a social media post, sentenc...

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Hakan Aygün, Ali Ergin Demirhan sentenced; students appear in court over Boğaziçi exhibition; HDP’s Gergerlioğlu ...

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Prosecutor appeals Bülent Şık’s acquittal; journalist İsmail Çoban sentenced over newspaper clippings; journalis...

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Hakkı Boltan handed down 2-year sentence; Sinan Aygül sent to prison; İsmail Çoban sentenced to 4.5 years in retria...

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Beritan Canözer taken into custody; İbrahim Karakaş sentenced to 9 years in prison; Hikmet Tunç handed down 8-month...

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Top court publishes Özgür Gündem judgment; prosecutor demands acquittal of Meşale Tolu, who spent 7.5 months behind...

Five journalists in Antalya handed down a total of 25 years in prison

The indictment, issued in 2017, charged 10 local journalists from various media outlets with “membership in a terrori...

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