Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

Prosecutor seeks aggravated life imprisonment for Zaman columnists

Nine columnists of the shuttered newspaper, including Şahin Alpay, under house arrest since March, face “violating t...

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu

Lale Sarıibrahimoğlu, a veteran defense reporter and a former columnist with the Zaman da...

Ali Bulaç

Theologian, former columnist for Zaman, Yarına Bakış newspaper...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 4

On July 29, 21 of the 48 journalists who have been arrested as part of the ongoing investigation into the July 15 coup ...

Journalists in State of Emergency - 5

Seven journalists testified to prosecutors on July 30 as part of the investigation into journalists in the wake of the ...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 6

Two of the journalists who were detained as part of Turkey’s post-coup attempt investigation delivered initial testim...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 7

Twelve out of 14 journalists who testified to prosecutors on August 4 as part of the investigation into the failed coup...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 9

There have been new detentions and at least one arrest in the investigation launched into the “media arm” of organi...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 8

Several journalists, who have not been detained in the ongoing investigation into the July 15 coup attempt, have said a...

Journalists in State of Emergency – 10

On Aug. 16, four individuals including former Zaman columnist Ali Ünal were arrested in the investigation into the Jul...
