Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 315

Doğan Ergün, Sinan Aygül sentenced; Mehmet Altan files case against judges who refused to implement top court’s ju...

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 323

Hasan Cemal charged with “insulting the president”; 3 YouTubers detained; Gülşen Koçuk sentenced for “propagan...

Journalists Ergün and Sezer appear in court for two reports

Ergün and Sezer are on trial for reporting on allegations of bribery regarding President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s for...

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey - 325

Networks critical of gov't imposed 71 fines in 2021; 18 journalists acquitted of “resisting arrest”; Doğan Ergün ...

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Jail term for journalist Rojda Oğuz; singer Gülşen released from house arrest but banned from travelling abroad; jou...

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Journalist Hayri Tunç acquitted; request to prosecute Barış Terkoğlu and Can Bursalı denied; prosecution requests ...

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Journalist Adil Demirci acquitted; arrested in police raid, journalist Aren Yıldırım released; journalist Uğur Yıl...

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Yeni Yaşam employee Hamdullah Bayram jailed; Religious Affairs employees destroy foreign journalists’ equipment; DW ...

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Many journalists threatened, obstructed and detained on day of local elections and afterwards; former DİHA reporter Mu...

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Osman Kavala’s retrial request rejected; seven Nationalist Hearths administrators given jail term; case filed against...
