Expression Interrupted

Journalists and academics bear the brunt of the massive crackdown on freedom of expression in Turkey. Scores of them are currently subject to criminal investigations or behind bars. This website is dedicated to tracking the legal process against them.

Journalist Ahmet Sever acquitted in retrial

Court rescinds its previous verdict and rules in line with Constitutional Court judgment

Journalist Faruk Eren acquitted

Court rules to acquit Eren as per violations judgment of Constitutional Court regarding deferment of the sentence 

Second "disinformation" investigation against journalist Evren Demirdaş

A second investigation for “spreading false information” has been launched against Sözcü newspaper reporter Evren Demirdaş

Investigation launched into Oktay Candemir's article on "trustee"

Candemir has said, “I have been detained five times in the last five years, and over 50 investigations have been launched against me. Speaking the truth is not allowed”

Prosecutor’s final opinion awaited in journalist Hayri Demir’s retrial

Trial has been adjourned until 29 January 2025 in the case that has lasted almost eight years

Journalist Furkan Karabay acquitted

The court has ruled that Karabay's statements were within the scope of heavy criticism and vulgarity, and acquitted the journalist

Trial of 20 journalists for "membership in a terrorist organization" adjourned

Court has issued writ for return of confiscated materials and kept in place judicial control measures

Freedom of Expression and the Press in Turkey – 475

“Agents of influence” bill withdrawn, MHP Chair Devlet Bahçeli tells off journalist; objection to Furkan Karabay’s imprisonment; Gözde Bedeloğlu ordered to pay administrative fine for “insult”

Journalism organizations call "agents of influence" bill "major threat to newspapers and journalists"

Professional journalism organizations, which have objected to the proposed legislation on “agents of influence” have stated that the ratified law would pose a major threat to newspapers and journalist

"Hello universe": The 30-year long journey of Açık Radyo

The terrestrial broadcast of Açık Radyo was discontinued on 16 October by RTÜK’s decision. The station began online broadcasting this month with 30 years of experience and with the hope of a newborn

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